The Inter college table tennis for women tournament concluded at Directorate of Physical Education and Sports University of Kashmir on July 16.
The tournament witnessed impressive participation from 20 colleges of valley including colleges of Leh and Kargil. The final was played between GDC Kargil and GDC Leh wherein GDC Kargil emerged victorious by winning two straight sets in set of three.
Earlier semifinals were played.In first semifinal GDC Kargil defeated Gandhi memorial ( 2 games- nil) ,in another semifinal GDC Leh defeated women college Nawa kadal ( 2 games-1 game). Prof. Nisar Ahmad Rather, Director Physical Education and Sports distributed prizes among finalist teams. He appreciated the female participants from GDC kargil and GDC leh for coming through the ranks and putting up a strong performance. He assured them all possible support for further participation in Inter University Tournament. He thanked the authorities of university, Nodal principal Kashmir colleges, principals GDC leh and kargil, staff members of directorate for their cooperation for making this event a grand success.