MUMBAI: The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) is all set to head to the Supreme Court on Tuesday to seek directions on a flurry of issues, the most important of which is the disbursal of funds required for conducting the India-England series starting Wednesday. The BCCI said that non-dispersal will result in cancellation of the first Test at Rajkot.
The Supreme Court bench says it will consult the Chief Justice of India on the matter. In response, the Lodha panel has opposed BCCI submission, saying that the cricket body is in contempt by not obeying apex court directions.
Senior counsel for the BCCI, Kapil Sibal, and his team gathered in New Delhi on Tuesday morning to draft the petition after the Board took a call on Monday night to seek the Apex Court’s guidance on the way forward.
BCCI’s contention is that in line with the October 21 order of the SC, the President and the Secretary – both – have filed their respective affidavits with the Lodha Committee. The top BCCI office-bearers have also written to the
Lodha Committeeand informed the latter that they would make themselves available for a meeting any day after November 9.
The Board says it hasn’t heard from the committee yet and there’s been no acknowledgement on the affidavits and the email communication either.
BCCI is looking to raise the matter in the SC today, citing absolute confusion in the matter that has led to all administrative processes coming to a standstill. The Board says “there are contracts waiting to be signed, agreements with the England Cricket Board is pending, there’s no word on the IPL media rights tender and there’s hardly any time left for the 2017 edition and preparations need to begin.”