Srinagar: After coming under severe criticism for violating the norms and humiliating the player by publishing personal apology message on facebook JK football association has done it again by promoting ‘clerk’ as assistant general secretary in violations of its own norms.
Association announced the promotion, a day after the KSW published the report related the act of JK football association through it tried to humiliate the known footballer of valley. The humiliation move backfired on football association with football followers from far and wide criticizing association for un-professionalism.
Facing huge criticism, football association through same facebook account posted the backdated order in which this ‘clerk’ is praised for establishment of various football academies and has also been made assistant general secretary of the football boys. While the friends and dear ones are hailing the contribution of this person, football association members and executive members seem to be dilemma about the order and the latest development.
“It is news to me that JKFA has got the post of assistant general secretary. There is no such post in the association and even if created it needs nod of association executive body of which I am member,” said an executive member of the JKFA.
“This order is clear violation of JKFA constitution and we will raise this issue with football body. The few persons at the helm of affairs can’t take such big decision without informing members and district units,” said another member.
If sources in JKFA are to believed there has been no such order and neither post, this was made after the controversy of facebook post.
“In order to save this person from any action and to justify his act these persons who run football body like their own personal property have created back dated order,” sources said.