Srinagar June 17: In order to welcome and felicitate the three Mountaineers, Mehfooz AIlahi, Mohamad Iqbal Khan and Chander Singh Negi and their Expedition...
Srinagar , May 13: A 19 year Shehroze Kashif has become youngest Pakistani to successfully summit Mount Everest, Worlds Highest Mountain .
Kashif who hails...
Srinagar, May 13: The 2021 Mount Everest climbing season claimed its first casualties on Wednesday with two foreign climbers losing thier lives due to...
Srinagar, May 11: Bahrain Prince Mohammad Hamad Mohammed Al Khalifa and his team have successfully scaled World Highest peak Mount Everest .
The 16 member...
Srinagar, April 23: In a more disturbing news that could possibly end this seasons Mountaineering season Nepal, a Norwegian Climber has Tested Postive for...
Srinagar, April 14: Before going for actual target , Kashmir mountaineer Nawab Moazam Khan who is part of Indian Mountaineering Foundation (IMF) contingent on...
Srinagar, December 8: Bringing an end to decades of dispute between two neighbours China and Nepal about the actual height of World's highest mountain,...
Srinagar, Sept 24: Defying odds and the injuries in the group during first attempt, three Kashmir trekkers successfully summit Kashmir’s highest mountain peak, Mount...