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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Babar Azam Likely to Be Axed from Central Contract as PCB Plans Major Overhaul

Lahore, June 16, 2024 – In a shocking turn of events, Pakistan cricket captain Babar Azam is likely to lose his central contract with the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) following the team’s dismal performance in the T20 World Cup. The PCB is gearing up for a major overhaul after the national team failed to advance to the second round of the tournament for the first time in its history.

The embarrassing early exit has left fans and cricket analysts fuming, with many calling for drastic changes in the team’s structure and management. PCB Chairman Mohsin Naqvi has hinted at sweeping reforms, including the possible cancellation of central contracts for several senior players, including Babar Azam.

PCB Chairman Hints at Major Changes

In a statement following the team’s return from the World Cup, Naqvi emphasized the need for “major surgery” within the team. “The performance was unacceptable, and we need to take decisive actions to ensure this does not happen again. No player, regardless of their past performances or status, is above accountability,” Naqvi stated.

Babar Azam Under Fire

Babar Azam, once hailed as one of Pakistan’s finest batsmen and a promising leader, has come under intense scrutiny. Critics argue that his lack of effective leadership and poor tactical decisions contributed significantly to the team’s failure. The losses to the USA and India were particularly damaging, exposing weaknesses in both strategy and execution.

Fan and Media Backlash

The reaction from fans has been swift and unforgiving. Social media is awash with calls for Babar Azam and other senior players to be dropped. One irate fan from Islamabad remarked, “Babar Azam has failed as a captain. It’s time for new leadership and fresh talent.”

Former players and commentators have also joined the chorus of criticism. Ahmed Shahzad, a former opening batsman, said, “Babar Azam and his favored group have created an environment where deserving players are sidelined. This has to change if we want to see Pakistan cricket thrive again.”

Future of Pakistan Cricket

The PCB’s anticipated move to cancel central contracts, including Babar Azam’s, signals a significant shift in the board’s approach to team management. This decision could pave the way for younger players who have shown promise in domestic leagues like the Pakistan Super League (PSL) but have been overlooked at the international level.

What’s Next?

As the PCB prepares for a comprehensive review of the team’s performance, the future of Pakistan cricket hangs in the balance. The board’s decisions in the coming days will be crucial in setting the course for the national team’s recovery and future success.

The cricketing world watches closely as Pakistan navigates through this turbulent period, with the potential axing of Babar Azam from his central contract marking a pivotal moment in the country’s cricket history.


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